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Fidelity Tours

19 March - Turin and the Venaria Reale palace

19 March - Turin and the Venaria Reale palace

Departure by coach for Piedmont . Convenient stop for an optional breakfast at the grill before reaching the village of VENARIA in the northern hinterland of TURIN . Here, after years of abandonment and a very accurate and mammoth restoration, the complex of the REGGIA di VENARIA REALE rises; 80,000 m2 of interiors and almost half a million m2 of Park, a grandiose project of 1659 by Duke Carlo Emanuele II to celebrate the ritual of the crown hunt of a Turin "capital" increasingly in the process of affirmation. From Michelangelo Garove to Benedetto Alfieri passing by the professional mastery of Filippo Juvarra to bring us to the end of 2007 one of the most extraordinary architectural complexes in Europe with the Reggia and Galleria di Diana, Torrione Alfieri, the Church of S.Uberto, the Pavilions of the Garone, the Clock Tower, the Castelvecchio, the Juvarriane Stables and Limonaie and the magnificent Garden/Park that lead from the Pescheria to the Temple of Diana, passing through the caves, admiring the archaeological site of the Fountain of Hercules, the Pergolas of roses. The excursion will consist of a guided tour of the interior of the Reggia with its innumerable rooms and a whole series of works collected from the various historical environments, castles and palaces of Piedmont in a suggestive arrangement and then move on to a free walk through the Garden/Park with the large swimming pool of the Pescheria and beautiful gardens in the flowering phase. Free lunch with various opportunities in the historic center of Venaria, a charming village in pure Piedmontese style full of places suitable for a breck. Then transfer to the nearby city of TURIN to dedicate a pleasant walk to the VILLAGE of CASTEL VALENTINO built in 1630 by Carlo di Castellamonte on the banks of the Po; the adjoining agglomeration is interesting, a picturesque complex of faithful reproductions of medieval houses and Castelli Sabaudi and Val d'Aosta, built for the 1884 international exhibition next to the "younger" Palazzo delle Esposizioni. At sunset departure for the return and with a convenient stop for refreshment and optional refreshment and final arrival in the evening.


It includes: Travel by coach GT - Entrance to the Reggia and to the Park/Garden of Venaria Reale with timed reservation for the visit - Guide for visiting the Reggia (interiors) - Excursion to the Borgo del Castel Valentino in Turin Tour leader - Health insurance
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